Genealogy is an interest for many people today. It can be exciting to find out where your family came from or to learn that you had an ancestor who fought in the Revolutionary or Civil War. However, there is one ancestry for which we don’t have to investigate as it is written in the Word of God.
Our first parents, Adam and Eve, walked with God in a perfect relationship in the Garden of Eden. By their sin, they broke that perfect oneness, and we, as their children, do the same. Yet, God, in His great love, had a plan for our redemption even before the world was created. He sent His Son to take our punishment, so we could return to the perfect life of the “new Eden” forever.
“God’s Family” is a devotion on the LWML website that digs deeper into our oneness with God and with our sisters and brothers in Christ. It is one of many wonderful devotions that can be found for your individual or group use on the LWML website, lwml.org.
Sharon Dever
New England District President