In 2011, LWML published a book titled, “God Gave the Increase,” written by Marlys Taege Moberg, Lauren Beale, and Janice Kerper Brauer. This book chronicles the work of LWML Mite offerings throughout Europe. Africa, and Asia. Since 1942, LWML has provided assistance to the hurting, forgotten, and needy throughout the world through our mite offerings. As we celebrate this season of Reformation, let us not forget that even though our plans might be worthy, it is ultimately God who gives the increase. Martin Luther might not have known that his actions on that fateful day in Wittenburg would affect the whole world, but God knew and was the One Who knew the plan that was being carried out. We have no reason to fear when we know God is in control!
Shelley Stewart
LWML Rocky Mountain District President