Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Feeling so stressed that you become paralyzed and unable to do anything?
A pastor spoke of being in the eye of a hurricane as the peace of God. While the outer part of the storm has winds up to 150 mph, the eye of the storm has much calmer winds of 15 mph, often with sunny skies. Hurricanes move slowly, so it is possible to stay in the eye with clever navigation. God’s Word is the eye of the storm.
On January 1, I started the “Reading Through the Bible in A Year” calendar by LWML. Reading God’s word reminds me that beginning with Adam and Eve, God has promised us that He is in control and that He cares. God’s Word keeps me in the eye of the storm, looking to Jesus.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7).
Laura Strattman
LWML Central Illinois District President