Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord (2 Timothy 1:2).
Childhood memories come to us through our senses of touch, taste, sight, smell, and hearing. Reading the 2024 LWML Prayer Service immediately placed me in the pew at St. John’s as a child, hearing these words as Pastor Berwald began his sermon. The decades swiftly passed but Paul’s greeting remains true. We continue to receive God’s grace, mercy, and peace. How can we share the Prayer Service?
- Follow with food.
- Host a servant event afterward.
- Invite church workers.
- Share with residents of nursing homes.
- Forward to missionaries.
- Download the 2024 Prayer Service www.lwml.org/prayer-service.
Some have been blessed to know the grace, mercy, and peace of God their whole lives, others still need to hear it. Share the Prayer Service with your LWML sisters and reach out joyfully proclaiming grace, mercy, and peace from Christ with others.
Lisa Kamrath
LWML Minnesota South District President