
Equipping Youth to Witness for Life — Y4Life

Lutherans for Life


View mission grant resources below.

Y4Life seeks to equip young people to be the voices for life in a culture that glorifies the choice of death. The need is especially true for teens, college students, and young adults who are bombarded with secular life styles that are contrary to God’s wonderful plan for life. Currently, the Y4Life program is serving college campuses. The mission grant funds will go directly towards expanding the initiative to include Lutheran high school campuses. By training student leaders and providing ongoing mentorship and support for the individual campus ministries, they can raise their voices for life.

nullLaura Davis, director of Y4Life at Lutherans for Life, leads a group of high and middle school Y4Life student volunteers in prayer outside a Planned Parenthood in Orlando, Fla., during the Y4Life servant event on Saturday, Sept. 12, 2015. Photo credit: LCMS Communications/Erik M. Lunsford
nullA resident lets a Y4Life student volunteer feel a moving baby following a Y4Life servant event at Redeeming Life Maternity Home on Saturday, Sept. 12, 2015, in Sanford, Fla. Photo credit: LCMS Communications/Erik M. Lunsford

WHEREAS, The mission of Y4Life, a ministry of Lutherans for Life, is to equip Lutheran youth and young adults to be Gospel-motivated voices for life who set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity (1 Tim. 4:11); and
WHEREAS, 1.2 million women have abortions every year in the United States, with approximately 27% of those having no religious affiliation; and
WHEREAS, There is a great need to equip young Lutherans to share the Gospel through life issues and serve in their own schools and communities; and
WHEREAS, Y4Life seeks to equip young people to speak for life and serve their community through student-led life ministries on high school and college campuses; therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the delegates gathered at the 2017 Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Convention in Albuquerque, New Mexico, vote the sum of $25,000 to help fund Equipping Youth to Witness for Life — Y4Life.

Donate to the 2017–2019 Mission Goal

nullStudents from Concordia University campuses across the country, learn about sharing the Gospel through life issues at the 2016 Y4Life Campus Ministry Student Leadership Summit in St. Louis, MO.
nullStudents from Concordia University campuses across the country, learn about sharing the Gospel through life issues at the 2016 Y4Life Campus Ministry Student Leadership Summit in St. Louis, MO. Photo Credit: Churches For Life
nullThese high school students completed a cross display that represents the lives lost to abortion and points women towards loving options at a week-long servant event in Missouri. The pregnancy center they served at reported that at least one life was saved as a result of the display.
nullResident Josephine Arkanoff holds Lylah St. Georges, daughter of Deaconess Alyssa St. Georges of Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, as the two play bingo with Y4Life student volunteers on Saturday, Sept. 12, 2015, at an elderly living center in Sanford, Fla. The volunteers were part of a Y4Life servant event in the area. Photo credit: LCMS Communications/Erik M. Lunsford


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