
2023–2025 Mission Grant #11

Lutheran Women in Mission Finish the Job

Ministry in Mission, Haiti β€” $85,000


Watch the video about this mission grant!

About This Mission Grant

Ministry in Mission has been working in Haiti for 15 years with the leadership of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Haiti to meet the needs of people as they respond to devastating hurricanes and political unrest. An earthquake in 2021 destroyed many churches and work was begun to rebuild the churches. Currently the churches are open for worship as work continues. The necessary materials are in the country to finish floors, repair electrical work, install toilets, and complete furnishings.

This grant will help purchase other needed supplies to finish the restoration work. Ministry in Mission and the Lutheran Church of Haiti also continue to care for the spiritual and physical needs of the people at the Center of Refuge Orphanage and The Jacamel Lutheran Home for the elderly.

before and after photos of severely damaged church being repaired

This church in Carrefour Declos was damaged in 2017 from Hurricane Matthew. Ministry in Motion repaired it and put on a sturdy roof. In 2021 the earthquake destroyed it again. Ministry in Motion was able to salvage the roof but the entire structure including the foundation was not viable. Ministry in Motion rebuilt the church but did not have enough money to finish the floor and bathroom.

More Mission Grant Photos

bar chart showing increase of inflation

As mentioned in the grant, this graph shows rapid escalation of inflation in Haiti. In April of 2021 inflation in Haiti was 10.7. By December 2021 inflation was 24.61. This was the reason Ministry in Motion could not finish the buildings.

small children sitting and waiting with bowls

Young children are waiting for the distribution of food. This program runs twice weekly. It is for younger children unable to attend school because the family is too poor. It is likely this is the only meal these children get for the week. They bring their own bowls and forks or spoons if they have them.

children being served food from large pot

A mission team from the Iowa West District is serving food to the children.

people standing outside

Ministry in Mission also takes food to the elderly in neighborhoods around Jacmel, the city where we are located. This picture, however is a trip we took to the mountains where it is very difficult for residents to find food. It is a long walk to the market in the village to buy food if you even have money to do so.

group of people wearing masks standing outside building

The Center of Refuge orphanage is located on the same property as the Jacmel Lutheran Home for the elderly. These are the orphans that reside there. During the pandemic volunteers from the US made masks for the children.

children seated at long table, eating a meal

Ministry in Mission supports the orphanage with food and housing through donations. The children are lucky to have an education as well because the administrators are educators running their own school.


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