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January 2019

Featured January 2019 — WORKING WITH JOY

Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31b). 


Icebreaker idea: Brings You Joy – Think of what brings you the most joy. Share how that can give glory to God.

Devotion — Opening: Working for His Glory 
Devotion — Closing: How, Lord … Can I Work with Joy?
Devotion — New: Working with Joy

Bible Study — Select from the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly, Winter 2018.

Mission Servants ProjectEQUIP middle school, junior high, and high school students to see how they can serve God in any career by hosting a career fair during a Sunday school hour. Invite individuals from your congregation and community to tell students about their jobs and how they share Christ and serve Him through their work.

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

Looking for more Winter devotional and service project resources? Check out the Winter Resources webpage here!

View a different month's resources


December 2018

Featured December 2018 — THE PERFECT GIFT


For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by His grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus (Romans 3:23–24). 

Icebreaker idea: Best Gift – Christmas is a time for giving and receiving gifts.  What is the best gift you have ever given or received? 

Devotion — Opening: The Perfect Gift
Devotion — Closing: It’s a New Day
Devotion — New: God’s Perfect Gift 

Bible Study — Select from the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly, Winter 2018. If copies of the printed Quarterly do not arrive in time for the group's meeting, consult the LWML website to download the online version of one of the Bible studies from that corresponding Quarterly magazine.

Mission Servants ProjectENGAGE with nursing home residents by hosting a birthday party for Jesus. Sing carols, read the Christmas story from Luke 2, then ask residents to tell about the best Christmas gift they ever received. Next, read this month’s opening devotion, “The Perfect Gift.” Serve a birthday cake decorated in Jesus’ honor. 

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, reSOURCEs for Planning Programs, found here.
Browse program helps by type here.

November 2018

Featured November 2018 — PRAISE HIM!

Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples! Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; tell of all His wondrous works! (Psalm 105:1–2). 

Icebreaker idea: Sing Praises! – Share your favorite song of praise. What are your favorite words in that song? 

Devotion — Opening: Now Thank We All Our God
Devotion — Closing: Total Praise

Bible Study — Select from the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly, Fall 2018.

nullMission Servants ProjectENJOY remembering the wonderful works of God with a “thanksgiving tree.” Secure a large bare tree branch in a pot. Cut out colorful leaf shapes from construction paper. Punch a hole in the top of each leaf and tie a string so the leaf can be hung from a tree branch. Hand the leaves out at the end of a worship service and ask individuals to write on the leaf a work of God for which they want to thank Him. Hang completed leaves on the tree branch. Ask your pastor to include these joyful prayer thoughts in a Thanksgiving worship service. 

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, reSOURCEs for Planning Programs, found here.
Browse program helps by type here.

October 2018

Featured October 2018 — UNCHANGEABLE

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). 

Icebreaker idea: Change – What is the best “change” that ever happened in your life? 

Devotion — Opening: Light in the Darkness
Devotion — Closing: How Lord … Can I Cope with Hardships?

Bible Study — Select from the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly, Fall 2018. If copies of the printed Quarterly do not arrive in time for the society’s meeting, consult the LWML website to download the online version of one of the Bible studies from that corresponding Quarterly magazine.

Sketch — New: Myths of LWML

nullMission Servants ProjectENGAGE your group to provide care giving services to those in your congregation or community who are caregivers for a child with a special physical or developmental need. As safety circumstances allow, give the caregivers an hour or two of free time while you care for their loved one. Pray with the caregivers for God’s strength in the situations they face. 

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, reSOURCEs for Planning Programs, found here.
Browse program helps by type here.

September 2018

Featured September 2018 — LUTHERAN WOMEN IN MISSION

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10).


Icebreaker idea: Why LWML? – What prompted you to become a Lutheran Woman in Mission and to serve the Lord with gladness?

Devotion — Opening: Deborah – Encourager
Devotion — Closing: Dorcas – A Woman of Charity
Devotion — New: You Look Like Your Father

Bible Study — Select from the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly, Fall 2018. If copies of the printed Quarterly do not arrive in time for the group's meeting, consult the LWML website to download the online version of one of the Bible studies from that corresponding Quarterly magazine.

Sketch — New: Serve the Lord with Gladness


Mission Servants ProjectENCOURAGE the volunteers in your congregation with thank you notes. Consider making an extra mite donation in their names (e.g., The Volunteers at Peace Lutheran Church).

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, reSOURCEs for Planning Programs, found here.
Browse program helps by type here.

August 2018

Featured August 2018 — HEAR, LEARN, GROW

nullLet the wise hear and increase in learning (Proverbs 1:5a).

Icebreaker idea: Remembering School — Did you have a favorite teacher as a child? Share why he/she was your favorite.

Devotion — Opening: God Knows Me
Devotion — Closing: Forever a Student

Bible Study — Select from the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly, Summer 2018.

Sketch — New: Ready, Set, Grow!

Mission Servants ProjectEQUIP preschoolers and pre-readers in your community to hear, learn, and grow in the knowledge of God by planning a story hour on a Saturday before the school year begins. Read out loud several stories from Arch Books or other Concordia Publishing House Bible story resources. Serve a light snack and perhaps plan a craft project that coordinates with the Bible story.

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, reSOURCEs for Planning Programs, found here.
Browse program helps by type here.

July 2018

Featured July 2018 — FREE INDEED!

lock with cross in front of it“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36). 

Icebreaker idea: Freedom — When did you first realize how blessed you are to live with the freedom to share Jesus? 

Devotion — Opening: Joy in Christian Freedom
Devotion — Closing: Living in the Spirit … Means Freedom 

Bible Study — Select from the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly, Summer 2018.

volunteers picking up trashMission Servants ProjectENJOY the freedom from sin we have through faith in Jesus by assisting in a neighborhood or community clean-up project. As you work, make the most of opportunities to share with others the joy of the clean hearts we have through faith in Jesus and the freedom we have to live for Him because He has freed us from sin, death, and Satan.

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, reSOURCEs for Planning Programs, found here.
Browse program helps by type here.


LWML Resources