On Sunday we celebrated Father’s Day by honoring our earthly fathers. Did you think of your heavenly Father on this holiday?
Our heavenly Father is the ultimate father. In Luke 12:32 it says, "Fear not, little flock, it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom." How grateful we are for this gift! How do we say, “Thank You”? We show our love to others through our mite offerings funding mission grants in our districts and the world.
To find out more about our national grants, go to lwml.org/mission-grants to watch a video on the 2023–2025 Mission Grants, see the Mite Report, and view Mission Grant Resources.
The featured grant for June 2024 is “Sharing Christ Crucified with High School Youth.” Use this resource to share information with your church and group. Use the one-page story, bulletin bytes, a devotion, and/or a prayer guide. Download for a church bulletin, newsletter, or post on a bulletin board.
As Lutheran Women in Mission, we want to tell everyone about our heavenly Father. How will you share your heavenly Father’s love this summer?
Paula R. Daniels
Lutheran Women in Mission
Carolinas District President
Posted on
July 10, 2024 11:02 AM
Briana Exline

I recently visited Descanso Gardens in La Canada, California. This time of year is especially beautiful. We enjoy the final beautiful result, but it involves generally unseen work to plant, fertilize, pollinate, and maintain these plants to bring forth the crop.
My visit, and thinking about the work involved, brings to mind our opportunities to spread the Gospel as Jesus taught in the Parable of the Sower. Although bringing someone to faith is in the hands of the Holy Spirit, because we have received the Word sown in us, we live in God’s grace always prepared to share the Gospel with those we meet. We don’t always see the full bloom but can be prepared for the opportunities He puts before us, without worry about the rocky soil or the wind or environment. We simply have the hopeful opportunity to Joyfully Proclaim Christ.
But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you (1 Peter 3:15a).
Nila Rodriguez
LWML Pacific Southwest District President
Posted on
April 23, 2024 2:25 PM
System Administrator

“The League Pledge” has been used in LWML meetings, rallies, gatherings, get-togethers, and conventions. The pledge was introduced and adopted in 1955, an amazing 68 years ago. This Pledge “reminds us of the essence of our reasons for being in mission and our pledge of commitment to our Lord. Every time we recite the League Pledge we are recommitting ourselves to God’s Mission Work. This is a commitment we make intentionally and with honor.” Introduction to the Responsive Reading.
But did you know that in 2020 a responsive reading based on the pledge was made available? This responsive reading breaks down the pledge and answers that age old Lutheran question, “What does this mean?”
The pledge and responsive reading can be found on the LWML website (lwml.org). Look under the word ABOUT on the home page and click on Who We Are. Open “League Pledge and Songs.”
Mix things up a bit at your next meeting or gathering. Try the Responsive Reading in place of reciting the traditional League Pledge. It will help answer “What does this mean?”
Carol Reis
LWML Oregon District President
Posted on September 19, 2023 12:00 PM
Patti Miller

I’ve been to LWML Conventions before and have always enjoyed them. But being at the convention in Milwaukee as the President of the LWML Missouri District was a new and wonderful experience. Lutheran Women in Mission celebrated 80 years of mission work, 50 years of YWRs, and 20 years of Heart to Heart Sisters. To celebrate these milestones, districts were given the option of carrying a new or vintage banner in the banner processional. Missouri District chose to carry a banner from 1965, almost 60 years old! As I walked in the processional with our four (4) Young Women Representatives, I wondered if the president who carried this banner before me felt as humbled and blessed as I did to be among women of all ages who have the same desire for mission work. Did the 1,626 attendees at the 11th Biennial Convention in San Diego, California, joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others? Of course they did! As we look back, let’s also look to the future so we can celebrate the next 80 years of God’s grace.
Marian Hoehner
LWML Missouri District President
Posted on September 05, 2023 12:02 PM
Patti Miller

A well-known song says that Jesus loves the little children — all the children of the world. It does not matter what color they are — red, yellow, black, or white. In the Gospel of Mark, you find four times where Jesus is healing a child, casting out demons that were living in children, and inviting children to come to him. In Mark 7:26-30, Jesus cast out the demon from the daughter of the Syrophoenician woman, a Gentile.
In Mark 10:14, Jesus rebuked the disciples for preventing the children to be near him. Jesus said, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” Truly, what great love Jesus has for the little children!
Several weeks ago, we “Celebrated the Lord of the Nations” and voted on the mission grants for the 2023–2025 biennium. Check out the list of grants on the lwml.org website. Lutheran Women in Mission saw the needs of children and provided 10 grants that directly affect children. Others will help children and adults. As you fill your Mite Box, pray for the children of the world as they receive these gifts of love and hear about our Lord Jesus Christ.
Patricia Peters
LWML South Dakota District President
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Posted on August 22, 2023 9:12 AM
Patti Miller

Every Day Counts
Tuesdays do not seem to receive as much publicity as Mondays. Several holidays, such as Memorial Day and Labor Day, are observed on Monday. However, today is a specially recognized Tuesday in that it is Election Day. Another important Tuesday in my part of the country is Fat Tuesday, better known as Mardi Gras. Fat Tuesday leads to Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and then Easter Sunday — the celebration of Christ Jesus’ resurrection. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus (Romans 6:11 NIV).
Today, click on this link: Mite Challenge Calendar — Lutheran Women's Missionary League (lwml.org) to see how you can make every day count. By prayerfully placing the suggested daily coin amount in your Mite Box, the recipients of these blessed offerings may learn of the love, grace, and salvation freely given by our risen Savior. Alleluia!
Michelle Zollinger, President
LWML Louisiana-Mississippi District
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Posted on
November 02, 2021 3:30 AM
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They said to him, “Lord, let our eyes be opened” (Matthew 20:33).
Just like the blind men in Matthew’s Gospel who asked Jesus to open their eyes, we, too, sometimes need visuals to help us “see.”
Patterned after the Mission Grants Resource page on the LWML website, our LWML Northern Illinois District makes our district grants come alive by adding visuals such as mission grant posters. This helps to “open the eyes” of readers to “see” the people who are receiving our mite offerings.
These monthly mission grant posters, along with a mite thermometer, mission grant news, and words of encouragement, are emailed to our zone presidents and other leaders who in turn share them with other women in the district.
I would encourage you to take time to “see” how God is using your mite offerings to impact lives around your district and the world. Please join me in keeping all LWML grant recipients lifted up in prayer!
Janice Gerzevske, President
LWML Northern Illinois District
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Posted on
July 27, 2021 5:00 AM
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