Mission Service Activity of the Month
July 2020: Sending our Graduates Off with God’s Blessings and Love

Our senior high students have graduated. Some will move away, and some will commute from home as they work or continue their education. Research shows college-age students tend to discontinue church attendance and distance themselves from their faith family, worship, and prayer. They can use as much encouragement and love as we can give them. Many messages from the media and their peers can leave teens feeling hopeless, lonely, and inadequate. Here are some ways you can shower your seniors with God’s Word. The loving messages of His hope, love, acceptance, and forgiveness will support these young men and women.
God’s Hope and Love in Action
There are many ways you can approach this service project. You know the strengths of your LWML and you know your youth. Pray, and then decide which idea works best for your resources and abilities. These steps can help you plan:
- Contact your church secretary, your pastor, or your youth group leader for help in identifying every graduating senior. Get all of their contact information. Try to find out their plans for the fall. Explain your service project plan.
- Decide on the due date for completion, so support is in place as soon as possible.
- Decide on a budget and method of funding. Remember you will need boxes as well as contents.
- Gather a team and plan ways to share the tasks.
- Teenagers primarily communicate electronically. Getting a card or note in the mail is an exciting novelty. You may want to set up pen pals for each graduate. These relationships could continue for years if appropriate.
- Write and send a short note to each youth. Use an LWML card if you have one. The note could simply begin with “Hi Graduate. Congratulations! Know you are in my prayers as you plan your next steps.”
- While the notes are being sent out, contact your pastor to see if a sending blessing during worship is appropriate
- Consider giving gift boxes to each graduate, no matter what their plans.
- Pray as the boxes are assembled. You might decorate the inside of the boxes! Decide how to deliver them. Giving the boxes to the youth before they leave will avoid postage costs.
- Check back at least once a month with your pen pal. Ask for prayer needs.
Some theme suggestions follow, but make plans based on your graduates, their plans, and your resources. No matter what the theme, include in the box one or more of the following: a note of encouragement, a Mustard Seed Devotion, Portals of Prayer or Daily Bread, a small book for journaling, a box of colored pencils, or “go to” Bible verses (see list below).
Coffee Lover Care package
Instant coffee packets, coffee creamers, a reusable insulated mug, sugar packets, and a gift card to a favorite coffee shop.
Under the Weather
Tissues, hand sanitizer, microwavable soup, cough drops, plastic trash bags, a pocket devotional.
Medical Kit
Band-aids, gauze pads, sterile strips, forehead thermometer strips, antibiotic ointment, hand sanitizer, hot tea bags.
Cleaning Supplies Kit or Loads of Love
Multi-purpose cleaner, stain remover, small bottle of laundry detergent, paper towels, anti-bacterial cleaning wipes.
Stress–Relieving Care Package
Slinky, playing cards or card games; silly putty or stress putty, small plant, stress ball or koosh ball.
Studious Care Package
Bookmarks, highlighters, pens and pencils (especially ones with fun designs), handheld pencil sharpener, sticky notes, USB drive, paper clips, gift card for educational apps.
Snack Break
Microwavable popcorn; chip clips; small bags of chips and cookies; squeeze bottle of jelly with a box of crackers; paper towels; microwavable cakes in a mug; small containers of fruit, pudding, or applesauce; dried fruit; small boxes of cereal; candy. Be aware of possible food allergies.
Hot Chocolate and Tea Lovers
Mug, hot chocolate packages or tea bags, bag of mini marshmallows, chocolate covered spoons, small packets of sugar.
Listed below are suggested Bible verses for the graduates:
Isaiah 40:29-31
1 Peter 5:7-9
Ephesians 6:10-18 (especially 10-11)
Psalm 139:1-16 (especially 13-14)
Proverbs 1:8-10
Matthew 11:28-30
Proverbs 3:5-6
Psalm 119:9
Psalm 119:105
Romans 15:13
Philippians 4:4-7
Philippians 4:8-9
Isaiah 41:10
Jeremiah 29:11
1 Timothy 4:12
Deuteronomy 31:6
1 Corinthians 10:13
Ephesians 4:29
Galatians 6:9
Additional Resources from the LWML website:
Text Messages from God
YOUth in Mission Servant Event Ideas
Gospel Focus
Be strong and courageous … it is the Lord your God, who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6).
Prayer as You Plan and Prepare
Heavenly Father, we bring our youth before You. Lord, give them wisdom, enabling them to always look to You in everything they do. You know their challenges. Help them Lord; give them Your peace and joy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!