Listen to The Gift of Sight on the LWML On The Go Podcast or read it below!

The picture I’m sharing with you is of a man in El Salvador. I’ve been blessed to go on several eyeglass mission trips with Wisconsin Lions Mission groups and in 2016, we journeyed to El Salvador.
Let me share the story.
It was nearing the end of the day and we had processed a few hundred people; done eye exams and fitted glasses until we found the best pair we could. It’s slow and tedious work and add with a language barrier, it can get to be pretty challenging.
I remember this man very well as he needed lenses to help with seeing distance clearly and for close-up work. I don’t remember what his profession was, but he needed glasses for close-up work. We have interpreters and they help tremendously; they communicate to the patient what we’re doing and then they let us, the workers, know what the patient’s response. Facial expressions usually communicate quite clearly and when it’s the right pair of glasses, the person’s face just lights up. It’s a wonderful sight to behold.
This man was beaming when I found the right pair of glasses for him. I got them fitted to his head and we shook hands and said good-bye. I started working with the next patient and by chance looked to the right and there my last patient sat — on the window ledge reading. I casually walked over to speak with him again and discovered he was reading his Bible. We both had tears in our eyes as we recognized in each other what a gift these new glasses gave to him. We couldn’t share a conversation, but we shared the love of the Lord in that moment. It was a gift to us both.
For my eyes have seen your salvation that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel (Luke 2:30–32).
Have you ever walked in your home in the middle of the night and you could not see where you were going? Could you imagine not being able to read your Bible each day because you had poor eyesight? The Lord blessed this man with a pair of eyeglasses so he could see again. What a blessing to spend time with Jesus who opens His Word and reveals Himself to us.
Dear Lord, thank you so much for putting this man in my path. Your love is all around me and no matter where I go, I know you are there with me. Your Word is a gift beyond measure. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share it. Amen.
Mary Harrington
North Wisconsin District
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Thanks from the Gospel Outreach Committee!