Mustard Seed Daily Devotions
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Faith is … Depending on Our Heavenly Father

In the Word

You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing (Psalm 145:16).

Of the Word

Some people take the attitude: “God is too great, too busy, too remote to be interested in me personally.” That might be a complaint; it might be false humility. Either way we should not measure God by our standards nor judge Him by our limitations. He is God and so His eye can be on the sparrow and His mind can number the very hairs of our heads. He does not lose sight of our best interests or neglect our needs. He is vitally interested in what we do with the gift of life.

All things depend on God, our Father. The seeds which the sparrow eats, the food for the fish in the sea, the crops which we harvest, and food we gather into carts at the supermarket all come from His generous hand. Food itself, the strength to gather it, and the ability of our bodies to turn that food into energy and strength are all gifts of His goodness. He is not too great to care about these things.

If our Father were to close His hand or turn His face, there would be no life on this earth. Those who refuse to look to Him or acknowledge their dependence on Him could not live. 

Walking with my Lord

Almighty Father, send Your Spirit upon me in rich measure that I may always depend upon You for all things spiritual and physical. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Mustard Seed: Living in Faith. Author: Rev. Darold Reiner. 16/30 ©2007 Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, 801 Seminary Place Ste. L010, St. Louis, MO 63105.

Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations were taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. All rights reserved worldwide.

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