Remember: It’s Church Workers Appreciation Month

We ask you, brothers, to respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13a).

Did you remember that October is Church Workers Appreciation Month? The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod changed it from Pastor Appreciation Month in 2021 since we recognize that all church workers are important in our faith and life.

Here are some ideas to show your appreciation:

  • Send a thank you card or note for all the work that they do. You can download a thank you card from the LWML website.
  • Record a short video of you sharing words of encouragement and thanks and email it to the church worker.
  • Surprise them with cookies, brownies, or candy and include a personal note of thanks.
  • Offer babysitting services for those with young children as a sign of appreciation.

For other ideas, check out Ideas to Support, Encourage, and Care for Church Workers on the LWML website.

Most importantly, remember to pray for the church workers in your congregation, thanking God for their service.

Thank you, Church Workers, for all that you do!

Marie Chow