BEEing Aware on Social Media

Sharing the work our Lord is doing through Lutheran Women in Mission on social media is exciting. When posting on social media, especially on behalf of your LWML, it is important to bee prepared, bee active, and bee monitoring.

Beeing prepared, you understand the why, who, what, where, how, and when. “Why” is our LWML mission that we joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others. “Who” identifies with whom we want to engage. “What” are the variety of post types that appeal to different audiences and support the mission. “Where” are the social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. “How” includes a strategy for sharing information. “When” can be planned with a schedule to help you bee consistent.

After preparation, bee active. Bee consistent with your strategy and schedule. Post often to remind followers of your mission. Bee monitoring your posts for engagements. Read the comments and respond as appropriate. Consult your pastoral counselors for scripturally based comments.

Bee sure to check out the LWML Social Media guidelines for districts. You’ll Bee busy Bees as you Bee-come “Social Butterflies” in today’s social media world while carrying out the LWML Mission.

Leslie Koenck