Happy New CHURCH Year!

This week marks the beginning of Advent, the first season of the church year. Advent — which is from the Latin word for “coming” — helps us prepare our hearts for the celebration of Jesus’ birth.

Family traditions surrounding Christmas are plentiful. Trimming the tree, baking Christmas cookies, and gathering with family and friends are wonderful activities that help us focus on the celebration. But what about other traditions that help us count down to the celebration of our Savior’s birth?

As a child, I remember having an Advent wreath on our dining room table. Each night after dinner we would gather for an Advent devotion. My two sisters and I would take part by lighting the candles, reading the devotion, or blowing out the candles afterwards. Memories were made and traditions were established as we turned our focus toward celebrating the birth of Christ.

To access more information about how to make and use Advent Wreaths, check out Sharing Jesus’ Love in Action — Making an Advent Wreath on the LWML website.

Deaconess Betty Knapp