A Time for Everything

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1).

Will it ever end? As I write this in late January, COVID is running rampant. Two years after learning about it, this pandemic has touched nearly every person in the world. Whether it is being personally sick or knowing someone who has been ill; losing a friend, relative, or neighbor; or having jobs or education disrupted β€” it is easy to get discouraged. Yet, Ecclesiastes 3:11a reminds us: He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, He has put eternity into man’s heart. What a wonderful promise!

So what are we to do β€” here, and now? Serve the Lord with gladness! (Psalm 100:2). The LWML website has many ideas that include listening to podcasts or an online Bible study, resources for assisted living centers, service projects, meetings, or activities as we stay at home. Ecclesiastes 3:3 reminds us that it is …a time to build up … and a time to heal!

Happy serving!

Brenda Piester