How Awful It Was

Now the men who were holding Jesus in custody were mocking him as they beat him (Luke 22:63).

It takes only a little pondering on the words recorded by the Gospel writers to get a bit of a grasp on what Jesus went through. In watching The Passion of the Christ, one begins to realize how awful it was, how incredibly painful. Just try to imagine the whipping, the crown of thorns, the punches in the face, the mocking, all which were only a prelude to the unbelievably torturous death of crucifixion. Why did He go through it all? One reason and one alone β€” to save you and me from our sin and the eternal condemnation that our sinfulness deserves. Yes, we know, and know really well, that Easter came β€” came 2000 years ago. But this week we do our final assessment of our total depravity and humble ourselves before the Lord, the Lord who so mercifully saved us. What do we say in our services? Lord have mercy; Christ have mercy; Lord have mercy. Amen.

Rev. Gary Piepkorn