“Springing” into Action

Spring is a wonderful time to think about new beginnings. Flowers begin to bloom, baseball teams start their spring training, LWML zones prepare for their spring celebrations, and Christians around the world celebrate the new life we have in Christ.

In our home, spring is the time we “spring” into action with planting, cleaning, and planning for summer activities. The LWML Mission Statement provides us, as Lutheran Women in Mission, a template to “spring” into action for the Lord as we Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all peoples! (Psalm 96:3).

As Lutheran Women in Mission, we joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others.

As we move into the season of Spring, let’s “spring” into action by being in the Word, praying for missionaries, serving others, mentoring women, and declaring His glory to all we meet. Praise God for the change of seasons and for the ability He provides so each one of us can “spring” into action for Him.

Michelle Jenks