LWML — a Buffet of Resources for You

large group of women

As Lutheran Women in Mission, we offer opportunities for mission education, mission inspiration, mission service, and mission giving — opportunities, not obligations! LWML is a buffet of resources, support, comfort, and encouragement for all women.

We are in the Word. We love to serve God’s people. We give our time, share our talents, and give donations to missions. We do this in response to all our Savior has done and given to us.

Take time now to look through the pages of this website. Find a devotion or prayer that touches your heart. Join in the buffet of God’s love and mercies found in the available resources. You are His child, cherished and bought by Jesus’ blood and sacrifice and you are welcome!

Click here and contact your district. Ask for the name and congregation of an LWML member near you. Find acceptance and a place to belong.

Today, and always, we are surrounded by God’s grace,

Debbie Larson