
Collaboration is a quite the buzz word in the business world, and I understand why!

A few months after Char Kroemer and I were notified that our names would be on the ballot for LWML President, we began visiting regularly by phone — sharing the ups and downs; the challenges and opportunities that would lie ahead. It was such a blessing for us to walk that journey together. We did some planning, information gathering, and communicating. We lifted up one another — and the process — in prayer. We spoke words of encouragement to one another.

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

In all the “not knowing,” we were assured that God had a plan. Our part was to faithfully go where He would lead us. The journey was better together. Read more stories and find inspiration in the resource “Leadership in Pairs.”

The Time is Now to work together, as purposeful, and purpose-filled Lutheran Women in Mission.

Eden Keefe