Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Please join me in saying this prayer, written by LWML Senior Counselor Rev. Brian Noack.

Prayer for Our Nation and World
August 30, 2021

Almighty and Everlasting God, in Your Son You have assured us that You are with us always (Matthew 28:20), that You hold all the might of man, and that You have us engraved on the palms of Your gracious hand (Isaiah 49:16a). In this time of calamity around the world and in our own land, we ask Your eyes to turn in favor toward us and grant us Your protection, Your healing, and Your peace.

Give safety to all who find themselves in harms way in the face of natural disasters from wind or water, drought or fire, especially those impacted by the fires in the West and the hurricane that is affecting the Gulf region. Assist those who have evacuated in finding a place of refuge. Give courage to relief workers, firefighters, emergency management personnel, and all who render aid to Your people in their time of need. Where necessary, provide resources for the care and restoration of life and property, as well as opportunities to bear witness to Your mercy and faithfulness to us.

Be with all who are impacted by the events currently happening in Afghanistan. Protect our armed forces personnel as they carry out their duties in bringing our citizens and others to safety. Be with the Church in that region as they seek to maintain a faithful witness in the face of obvious evil. Thwart the plans of those who seek to bring violence, destruction, and death to the innocent, and turn their hearts to Your ways. Listen to the cries of Your people and be their rock and their refuge. Grant Your comfort to the families of those who have lost loved ones during this time, especially to the families of the Marines and soldiers who made the supreme sacrifice. May the victory of our Savior over death and the grave bring peace to sorrowing hearts.

We pray also, Lord, that You would guide the leaders of our nation and our world to work for peace. Give them wisdom to make decisions that align with Your will and purpose to care for and protect the citizens in their charge. May they be reminded that all authority comes from You, and by Your Spirit, let them seek Your direction as they lead and govern.

Holy Lord, while there is much to be concerned with as we look around our world, we also know that even the midst of our trials and struggles, You are still working Your good among us. We thank You for all the ways You continue to care for our daily needs through the hands and feet and voices of those whose vocation allows us to have our daily bread from Your hand.Β 

We praise You that, even in the face of challenging times, Your Word still sounds forth so that many hear Your saving Gospel, and by Your grace, turn and live in You. Bless our missionaries as they serve, and give them joy in their vocation as Your witnesses. Sustain Your Church, here and abroad, that we may live faithfully in this world and place all our hope on You.Β 

In our own Church, we ask You to be with The Rev. Dr. Thomas Egger who begins his service to You as president of Concordia Seminary. May his efforts continue to raise up servants for the Church who proclaim Christ crucified and risen to the world. Bless this new school year for our Lutheran elementary and high schools, our colleges and universities, our seminaries, and all who teach and learn in these places. May they see the beauty of the world You have made, be strengthened and encouraged and their faith, and equipped for lives of service to You and their neighbor in the world.

Most especially, dear Lord, we thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who by His death has overcome sin, and by His resurrection has brought life and light to this world, who by Baptism has made us heirs of Your kingdom eternally. Give us faith that leans wholly upon Your promises, and renew our hope and our strength as we face the challenges of this life until we are home and at peace, with You, for all eternity; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

What a privilege to go before our Lord in prayer! Thank you for being prayer warriors who trust in His will for His children.

God in heaven, hear our prayers.
