Come, Lord Jesus!

Common Table PrayerHe who testifies to these things says, “Surely, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! (Revelations 22:20) 

This verse, from the three year lectionary, is one we heard this seventh Sunday of Easter. Like the apostle John, we as Lutherans not only pray for the day that our Lord Jesus will come again to spend eternity with Him; but, we also pray daily the Common Table Prayer. In this prayer we ask Jesus to be with us at our tables, and to say to Him, Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever! (Psalm 118:29)       

As we gather together in Mobile, Alabama, for the 38th Biennial LWML Convention, let us join our voices in prayer to our Lord Jesus that He guides and blesses us with His grace; all in praise to the Lord.

Mustard Seed PacketsI invite you to share the message of our Lord’s grace and mercy with others by blessing them with a Living in Prayer Mustard Seed Devotion such as this one which may be purchased here online by clicking on the SHOP tab or in the LWML Store at the LWML Convention.
