Dishwashing Fellowship

Looking back, I admit that the task of standing at the kitchen sink and hand-washing dishes after our family’s meal wasn’t my preferred chore. As the oldest sibling, that was my task, and it needed to be done without grumbling, according to my mother. However, she was an encourager for conversation. At first, washing dishes was a task completed alongside my mother, then later on with younger sisters. For the most part it was a pleasant time.

Our conversations included school, family, friends — you name it! However, things changed when the dishwasher arrived. It really wasn’t until I was on my own did I understand how much I missed those times for conversation. It had been my dishwashing fellowship. Unfortunately, I didn’t subject my boys to washing dishes.  I know now we missed out on some special conversations.

Don’t miss out, personally, specifically, publicly, and frequently engage a conversation about how to get involved with LWML, even if it is through washing the dishes. Many resources are available on the website.

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing (1 Thessalonians 5:11).
