Help Young Adults Serve Through LCMS Young Adult Corps

nullAs with many generations, young adults today are not always sure of their future vocation. The LWML grant LCMS Young Adult Corps provides scholarship funds to serve in areas in which their talents and services are needed (poverty/inner city areas, and areas of disadvantage and/or long-term recovery). Sometimes these young men and women need to experience the joys of helping people in places where they have never visited. You can read more about this grant here.

This grant has yet to be funded and our fiscal year ends in just about six weeks on March 31. We are in the last stretch of our biennium with much of the hill to climb. Let’s continue in prayer and encourage our young adults through the LCMS Young Adult Corps. Paul speaks of mutual encouragement in Romans 1:12, that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith, both yours and mine. Let’s pray for the people involved with this ministry and that God will continue to bless our mite offerings.

You can donate now at by credit or debit card. 
