
As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem (Luke 9:51 NIV).

We have been anxiously awaiting many things in the past year — vaccinations to be administered, schools to open, jobs to resume, and hugs to be given. We wonder what the future holds.

Can you imagine what the waiting must have been like for Jesus as the time was drawing near for Him to suffer and die? He knew exactly what was ahead for Him, and yet He resolutely set out for Jerusalem (Luke 9:51b). Nothing would deter Him from the mission that was His from the time the world began. Jesus knew He would suffer in terrible ways — but His love for us would not allow for anything less than taking the punishment for our sins upon Himself, so that we would be redeemed and have eternal life with Him in heaven.

Our world desperately needs to know about the love that Jesus has for us. In using the LWML Toolkit Kits, we have real ways to bless our neighbors’ physical needs, as well as sharing God’s message of love through Jesus Christ, our Savior.

Mary Smith