
The holiday "to do" lists seem to be never ending as the calendar fills with events. Memories from years past come to mind as new memories are being made that will be reflected on in the future.  Lutheran Women in Mission will take a trip down memory lane as they gather in convention and commemorate the LWML 75th Anniversary in Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 22–25, 2017.

nullLWML personnel ready to dazzle

At the convention there will be a special time to celebrate on Saturday night at the Diamond Dazzle. Right now there is a wonderful opportunity to help expand the LWML Endowment Fund through the special 75th Anniversary Thank Offering. The dream is to eventually have the interest from this fund pay the operating expenses of the LWML, continue to train and equip leaders, and enable the LWML to more fully carry out the mission of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Donations may be given online at or mailed to the LWML office at 3558 S. Jefferson Ave., St Louis MO 63118. Note the donation as LWML 75th Anniversary Thank Offering.
