Serve the Lord with Gladness

The Executive Committee of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) met recently to select committee leaders for the biennium. Many qualified women are dedicated to “Serve the Lord with gladness.”

You may be the woman who accepted your role immediately knowing this is exactly where God wanted you to serve, or one who hesitated, was fearful, prayed awhile, and are now wondering what in the world you’ve gotten yourself into. Trust God! He guides His leaders in His path and steps — and He will certainly bless you. In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps (Proverbs 16:9 NIV).

See yourself as a leader and learn from the best ones ever — the God blessed men and women of the Bible. We are all gifted by Christ for service in the church … just not all in the same area. Remember Paul’s analogy of the body of Christ … we’re not all eyes, ears, legs or arms, but we all serve to the Glory of Christ and the benefit of His body — the Church. Enjoy your role as a leader gifted by God.

Find leader resources here.

Learn more about LWML here.
