The Greatest Love

Maundy Thursday, the last full day of Jesus’ life before His crucifixion. He spent it with His disciples, eating the Passover and teaching them one last time before His death. Jesus said “A new commandment I give you, that you love one another” (John 13:34a). Then Jesus says, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).  I am sure that the disciples had no clue what Jesus was talking about at that moment. They were struggling to figure out the washing of their feet and the words to Judas. Even with all of Jesus’ words of that which was about to take place, they had no clue as to the depth of what Jesus was saying.

Jesus goes on to show them the depth of His love. In John 19:30b we read, ... he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. Jesus doesn’t just say He loves us. He shows His love in the greatest way possible. You can see it as you look to the cross. There on the cross, you see His love. He gives up His sinless, perfect life for you and me, sinners that we are. He takes our place under the Law and pays the full price for our sins. That is the depth of His love.

The disciples didn’t understand what Jesus meant until after the resurrection. So often, we do not understand the depth of His love for us until that moment when we are in such need because of that which is going on in our lives. At that moment, we look to the cross, see our Lord’s suffering and death. It is then that we say, “There is His love for me.” Thank You Lord for Your love shown in Your death on the cross. 
