Approximately six weeks ago, a new church year began. Now, 14 days into the new year 2020, have you made any new year’s resolutions?
LWML has a New Year devotion/eBible study entitled Resolutions. The study focuses on the Magi whose resolution was to find the newborn King of the Jews. It is one of several items which can be downloaded for use at a January meeting.
As I thought about a possible resolution for 2020, I decided to take advantage of an opportunity available to me. My congregation conducts a short service that offers the Holy Eucharist Tuesday through Friday at 7:40 a.m. in addition to celebrating the Sacrament at each of our three weekend services.
I have not taken advantage of that opportunity as often as I could so my resolution is to get up a bit earlier at least once or twice a week and attend. Beginning the day partaking of Christ’s body and blood will enable me to walk in communion with Him for the day ahead.
Janice Gerzevske
LWML Northern Illinois District President