
Service — The Time is NOW

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As You Have Seen Me Do

Two Minute Tuesday

I have a handwritten recipe from my grandmother. It contains a list of ingredients and the single instruction, “As you have seen me do.” 

I learned to cook by watching, and assisting in the kitchen. I learned how to keep house, do minor repairs, garden, and keep a budget by watching, helping, and being involved.

I came to LWML by invitation. I witnessed firsthand the strong sense of belonging first to Jesus and then to one another, and the amazing sense of purpose to take Christ’s love and grace to the world. I humbly offered my skills as an artist and leader. I have used my gift for instruction to help others serve and lead.

Who is watching you? Is it a new Christian, trying to figure out if there is more to Christianity than just attending worship? Is it a talented individual just waiting to be asked to share their passion or talent?  Is it a friend looking for permission to start a new Bible study? Are you personally inviting, showing, and teaching the stewardship of service?

The Time is NOW to show others how to serve our Lord by cheerfully serving in many areas of ministry and encouraging others to do the same!

Janet Hurta
Chairman, Information Technology Committee

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Discovering Your Gift

Two Minute Tuesday

God has given each of us unique gifts. Sometimes along with the blessing of the gifts we have received from God, we can begin to feel pressure from other people to use them. A wise believer once told me that even though God wants us to use our gifts, He never says we have to use them all at once. Trying to do that would surely be overwhelming!     

Let me encourage you to take the time this week to read two chapters that help us see the connection between our gifts and the most excellent way to use them. In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul tells us about spiritual gifts, and then in Chapter 13, he gives us the familiar verses on love, the most excellent way. So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love (1 Corinthians 13:13). Read also Romans 12:6-8.

The Time is NOW to be in God’s Word. The Time is NOW to discover your spiritual gifts and then to use them in Christian love as God gives the opportunity!

Lori May
Contracts Administrator

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Time to Remember

Two Minute Tuesday

“I remember the days of old, I meditate on all that thou hast done…” (Psalm 135:5). 

Scripture reminds us to remember! We need to remember how and why the LWML began, while also making plans about how God can work through each of us to grow LWML into the future.

We remember  Mrs. Clara Schmidt who served as the first LWML President, encouraging the ladies of her day to serve the Lord as they served the Church. Interestingly, women in her time - the late 1930’s - were told that they did not need an organization of their own, so it was a big step forward when the LWML was formed to help care for the needs of the women of that day.  

Just as it was in the early 20th Century, The Time is NOW for us - the women of today - to be looking for ways in which we can meet the unique needs of women within our congregations and community. 

Barbara Huggins
LWML Archivist-Historian

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The Time is NOW

Two Minute Tuesday

Jesus said, “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing” (John 15:4-5). Fruit characterizes the life of the Christian steward. It is interesting to note that, in this passage above, Jesus did not say, “You should bear fruit.” He stated that when we abide in Him, it follows naturally that we will bear fruit.

God has plans for our lives and wants to use us. When we abide in Christ, we will be fruitful. We will discover and follow His plan, and we will use the gifts He has given us to serve the people of the world. The Time is NOW to use those God-given gifts in the LWML!

Rev. Dr. Robert Roegner
Junior Counselor

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It Doesn't Hurt to Ask

Two Minute Tuesday

The LWML mission statement is that LWML is to assist each woman of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use her gifts in ministry to the people of the world.

As you plan your LWML events this coming year, look for opportunities to invite women in your congregation to help you out with your LWML events! It doesn’t hurt to ask. All they can say is “no.” If they say “yes,” then this would be a great way for them to know more about LWML. You may need a musician to play a song that you want to sing. You may be like me – not an arts-and-crafts person – and ask someone to make a thank-you card for your guest speaker. You may need someone to run your PowerPoint presentation while you are speaking. The Time is NOW to get more women involved and allow them to enrich your life and the lives of others.

Marie Chow
LWML Meeting Manager

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Serve and Be Served

Two Minute Tuesday

I have just returned from another funeral and I caught myself saying once again to the family, “If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know.” As well-intentioned as these words are, the offer will probably never be taken.

We find it very hard to allow others to serve us. Our stubbornness says, “I can handle it on my own.”  May I suggest that you model this by making an effort to allow others to serve you when you are in need as you also look for creative ways that you can serve others.

Perhaps find something you can do for others and do it. In the example regarding the funeral, polish the children’s shoes; mow the grass before family arrives; clean the house; don’t take more food, but instead take them the disposable plates, cups, and utensils needed to enjoy the food others give.  Share the comfort and joy that we have through faith in Christ Jesus.

The Time is NOW to look for opportunities like this in which to serve.

Pastor John Heckman
Senior Counselor

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