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eNews for April 5, 2024 now available

In this issue: eNews: Now Accepting Mission Grant Proposals!

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Mission Grant Proposal information now available

Mission Grant Guidelines and the Mission Grant Proposal form for the 2025 LWML Convention are now available.

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Prayer Prompts now available

Free printables to encourage prayer individually or at your group, zone, or district event.

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eNews for April 3, 2024 now available

In this issue: eNews: Prayer Guide for District Conventions, Growing in Grace as an Officer

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Program Helps for April 2024 now available

"Treasured" — featured program resources for April!

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Mission Service Activity: April 2024 now available

Featured Mission Service Activity: From Good to Better to Best

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April 2024 Gifts of Love article now available

Gifts of Love article and bulletin sentences now available.

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eNews for March 27, 2024 now available

In this issue: eNews: President Eden on KFUO's The Coffee Hour + MG#12 Check Presentation

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Mite Report as of Feb 29, 2024 now available

Get the latest scoop on our Mission Goal and Mission Grant Distributions as of February 29 and share the report.

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eNews for March 20, 2024 now available

In this issue: eNews: Mission Grant Check Presentation, Seminary Dinner at CTSFW, and New Devotional!

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Mission Grant Resources: April 2024 now available

Story, Devotion, Prayer Guide, and Bulletin Insert for Mission Grant #7, 9, and 10 are now available for April.

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eNews for March 13, 2024 now available

In this issue: eNews: LWML Hosts Dinner at Concordia Seminary St. Louis

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Mite Prayer Calendar: April 2024 now available

April 2024 Mite Prayer Calendar is now available for download.

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eNews for March 6, 2024 now available

In this issue: eNews: Making Connections at Best Practices + Omaha Convention News

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eNews for March 1, 2024 now available

In this issue: New Mite Box Design!

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Mission Service for March 2024 now available

Featured Mission Service Activity: Serving One Another: Blessing Kits

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March 2024 Program Helps now available

"Seasons of Life / Comfort and Hope" — featured program resources for March!

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Spring 2024 LWQ now available

Select articles and Bible studies from the Spring 2024 LWQ are now available as free downloads.

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Mite Report as of Jan 31 now available

Get the latest scoop on our Mission Goal and Mission Grant Distributions as of January 31 and share the report.

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eNews for 2/21/24 now available

In this issue: Nominations for National Board Members and New In the Shop!

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