Word — The Time is NOW
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Our Focus
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him (Colossians 3:17 ESV).
I love it when our family celebrates a holiday or event. I spend a lot of time planning the menus, where everyone will sleep, and activities for the grandchildren. I contact my children to ask what they would like me to cook. A long grocery list is made, items are purchased, and I cook for days. As you can see, I sometimes lose focus. I will keep my focus for future gatherings by reading the Mustard Seed Devotions and completing my daily Bible study with my grandchildren. I will also use the LWML Coloring Scripture Resources for their activities. These actions will be a model for my children and grandchildren to keep our focus on His honor and glory.
Leslie Koenck
Lutheran Women in Mission
Louisiana-Mississippi District President
Seek the Lord
Our recent fall gatherings were under the theme “Seek the Lord.” Based on Hosea 10:12, Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap steadfast love; break up your fallow ground, for it is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and rain righteousness upon you, we explored the seeking. Does God play hide-and-seek with us? Does He play as we do as young children? Most times obviously found? Does He play as teenagers? Hoping not to be found? Left up to us, we would never find or even seek Him. But God wants to be found! In the Old Testament, God told the people exactly where to find Him — in the tent and later in the temple. These places were leading to Christ Himself. Today, we find Him in His Word and the Sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. God promises to be here for us. We find Him in Jesus.
Cheryl Long
Lutheran Women in Mission
Central Illinois District President
Beautiful Feet
Recently my Pastor joined our LWML Hot August Nights potluck. He led us in an opening devotion and asked this question, “Which of you have beautiful feet?” We all looked at one another and said, “My feet are definitely not beautiful!” The devotion continued as he explained that the work that we support through the LWML gives us all beautiful feet, quoting the following: How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns” (Isaiah 52:7).
Knowing that the mission grants we fund and the places at which we volunteer are spreading the good news of salvation to not only other nations but also locally is beautiful — keeping our feet on the firm foundation of Christ.
So, look down at your feet knowing they are indeed beautiful. Continue sharing the happiness of knowing Christ and bringing the news of salvation to others. Fill those Mite Boxes. Your God reigns!
Roxan Schwab
Lutheran Women in Mission
California-Nevada-Hawaii District President
Be Prepared
“Be Prepared” is the motto of boy and girl scouting around the world. Sir Badon Powell
(founder of Boy Scouting) was asked: “Be prepared for what?” His response was “Any old
thing.” As Christians, we should also be prepared for any old thing — any challenge that God
puts before us, or any job God gives us to do. After all, throughout the Bible, God was always
prepared. First and foremost, we should seek God’s grace and follow His example.
How do we prepare ourselves for the Lord’s work? We must take time to study His Word. We
must pray and ask for God’s help to put the right words in our mouths or to give us direction
on how to manage a difficult situation. God is always willing to help us if we just ask for His
guidance and then listen to it. As Matthew 7:7a says, “Ask, and it shall be given to you.”
Dr. June Merwin
Lutheran Women in Mission
New England District President
Summer GODreads
Today’s Light Devotional Bible
ESV, By Concordia Publishing House, with devotions by Jane L. Fryar

This God-inspired book is an eternal love story, encouraging its readers to face the world with
God’s courage, light, and love. Approximately 1731 pages, this beloved book is a page-turner
filled with stories of intrigue, spies, sacrifice, wars, floods, and more. In Joshua 2, discover
the faith and courage of a prostitute who protected spies. In the book Esther, learn of a queen
in danger who risked everything to save a nation. Reflect on how a woman with many
husbands and lovers is given life-saving water in John 4.
The heart of this fast-paced book is the love of our Heavenly Father for you. Unravel the
miraculous presence of God in all of the stories and in your life story. Find comfort in reading
God is our refuge and strength, and a very present help in trouble! (Psalm 46:1). Know God
loves you with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3) and be at peace.
Christine Maconachy
Lutheran Women in Mission
Chesapeake District President
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).
Change! We hate it. We also know it’s inevitable.
After 33 years of worshipping, loving, and serving in the same congregation, my husband and I are both retiring. Big changes and much uncertainty lie in our future.
New home.
New town.
New churches to visit.
New vocations of being retired.
One constant — Jesus Christ!
We know that we can face the anxieties, fears, and tears of an uncertain future with our never-changing Savior by our side.
He lives to silence all my fears,
He lives to wipe away my tears,
He lives to calm my troubled heart,
He lives all blessings to impart. (LSB 461:5)
LWML offers a free downloadable resource for a one-day retreat. “Always Changing Always the Same” uses biblical accounts to help us cope with the changes in our own lives and to show us ways to help and encourage others going through hard changes in their lives.
Carol Walther
Lutheran Women in Mission
Southern Illinois District President