
Word — The Time is NOW

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Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).

Change! We hate it. We also know it’s inevitable.

After 33 years of worshipping, loving, and serving in the same congregation, my husband and I are both retiring. Big changes and much uncertainty lie in our future.

New home.
New town.
New churches to visit.
New vocations of being retired.

One constant — Jesus Christ!

We know that we can face the anxieties, fears, and tears of an uncertain future with our never-changing Savior by our side.

He lives to silence all my fears,
He lives to wipe away my tears,
He lives to calm my troubled heart,
He lives all blessings to impart. (LSB 461:5)

LWML offers a free downloadable resource for a one-day retreat. “Always Changing Always the Same” uses biblical accounts to help us cope with the changes in our own lives and to show us ways to help and encourage others going through hard changes in their lives.

Carol Walther
Lutheran Women in Mission
Southern Illinois District President

Freedom Revelation

As the Fourth of July approaches, the fireworks and celebrations will begin. The reason behind this celebration of Independence Day came as a revelation to a young group of first and second grade students that I taught this spring. The class sat in awe as we read the stories of those first Americans and their struggles for freedom. Those events sprang to life and history became reality as Independence Day took on a whole new meaning for them.

Unlike those early colonists, we don’t need to fight for our freedom — it has been won for us. For a revelation on what this freedom as a Christian means, search “freedom” at There are over twenty powerful references, devotions, and thoughts to encourage your faith walk as you prepare to celebrate your faith freedoms this July Fourth and every day.

So, if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed (John 8:36).

Joy in Jesus,

Sherry Burger
Lutheran Women in Mission
Nebraska South District President

Inseparable from God’s Love

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:37–39). 

God loves you with an everlasting love. His love doesn’t change. It doesn’t change with times and seasons. It remains constant. You can count on it no matter what situation you face. God loves you!

Many times, you may not feel loved. It’s easy to be shaped by the things that have happened to you and how others treat you. The love of people can depend on how you act, but God loves you no matter what!

Romans 8:37–39 assures us that we are inseparable from God’s love. This is the Scripture verse and theme for our upcoming LWML New Jersey District Convention where we’ll be exploring God’s great love for us. This passage is a beacon of hope for every believer in Christ. God loves you! 

Arlene Price 
LWML New Jersey District President


Why do we wait until January to make resolutions? The word resolution means “a firm decision to do or not to do something.” Is there something you have been putting off? Or maybe there is something you have not been able to stop doing. Either way, why wait? Carpe Diem … Seize the Day! Memorial Day is next week so why not make a Memorial Day Resolution. 

Why am I encouraging you to do this? Last May, I “made a resolution” to use the LWML plan, Read Through the Bible in One Year. I made the decision to start this program the following month in June 2023 and finish in June 2024 right before the end of my term as President. I am so glad I did! I have read through the entire Bible before, but the way these readings are paired together enhanced my reading and overall understanding of the Bible. 

This program can be found on the LWML website at

MaryBeth Heikkinen
LWML Michigan District President

Unfailing Love

At times when my sin has been heavy on my heart, Isaiah 54:10 has brought me great comfort. “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you (NIV).

As I try to imagine Jesus approaching Jerusalem and his impending death, it seems He might similarly have said to His disciples and to us, “Though I will be scorned and despised, though I will be tortured and nailed to a tree, yet I will do this because I love you.”

Jesus went into His suffering and death knowing full well how much it would cost Him. During this Easter season, may we come to appreciate the depth of the love He has for us. Recognizing His unfailing love for us, let us also share that love with our families and those around us who don’t yet know Him.  For more about God’s unfailing love, see the LWML Bible Study Bought with a Price — Given a Purpose.

Vivian Nelson
LWML Ohio District President

You’ve Got Mail

Two Minute Tuesday

Have you ever wondered how to reach out to the women of your congregation who aren’t able to attend your local LWML group? They may be in a nursing home, or the timing of your meeting doesn’t allow them to attend. The LWML Mailbox Member Program (MMP) is an intentional way to reach the women of your congregation. MMP can be found under Group Resources located under the Service tab on the LWML home page at

This monthly program is designed to connect women to the Word through the Bible studies and articles in the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly and to service opportunities available through the LWML and local groups.

The Mailbox Member Program gives you a guide on the type of information and devotions you can send out to the ladies of your congregation either in person, by email, or postal. The program enables us to connect with the women of our congregations to let them know we are praying for them and encouraging them to be in God’s Word.

In Christ,
LaurieAnn Totenhagen
LWML ND District President

Joyfully Proclaim Christ!

Two Minute Tuesday

Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord (2 Timothy 1:2).

Childhood memories come to us through our senses of touch, taste, sight, smell, and hearing. Reading the 2024 LWML Prayer Service immediately placed me in the pew at St. John’s as a child, hearing these words as Pastor Berwald began his sermon. The decades swiftly passed but Paul’s greeting remains true. We continue to receive God’s grace, mercy, and peace. How can we share the Prayer Service?

  • Follow with food.
  • Host a servant event afterward.
  • Invite church workers.
  • Share with residents of nursing homes. 
  • Forward to missionaries.
  • Download the 2024 Prayer Service

Some have been blessed to know the grace, mercy, and peace of God their whole lives, others still need to hear it. Share the Prayer Service with your LWML sisters and reach out joyfully proclaiming grace, mercy, and peace from Christ with others.

Lisa Kamrath
LWML Minnesota South District President 


LWML Resources