Concordia Middle School Taiwan

Asia is a harvest field ripe for the gospel. Women in Mission realize that our grants to missionaries in the field bring God’s Word to a dying world. Asia is predominately secular with Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu and other false religions. Throughout Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Macau and Southeast Asia, ten women do various mission works such as teaching, acts of mercy and witnessing the gospel. Some have husbands and families working alongside of them while others work with a team or alone. One missionary teaches 242 students about Jesus in Taiwan while another has served for 10 years planting seeds of mercy and witnessing in Southeast Asia. Whether teaching English as a Second Language in Thailand or building relationships to open doors for sharing the gospel, each woman in the mission field helps in the growth God’s Kingdom. This grant will help support these women in their unique mission setting in Asia.
WHEREAS, the Women in Mission of the LWML are eager to fulfill their mission statement to assist and enable every woman of the LCMS to use her gifts in ministry to the people of the world; and
WHEREAS, women doing missionary work in Asia are "ready and willing to give a reason for the hope they have ..." (1 Peter 3:15) to the hungry souls lining up to receive hope and truth in Christ, and whose given talents in the field include nurses, managers, teachers, coordinators, and deaconesses; and
WHEREAS, the cost to support any missionary, let alone their projects of the heart is at least $50,000 a year; and
WHEREAS, this gift will be used to support our sisters in their unique mission in Asia or to help keep them there or get them there; and
WHEREAS, Mission Central will correspond with these missionary women so they can do their very best for their Lord and Savior, Jesus, in Asia with help from LWML; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the delegates gathered at the 2019 Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Convention in Mobile, Alabama, vote the sum of $100,000 to help fund Women’s Witness and Mercy Asia.
Update — From the Mission Field of Seoul and East Asia
Update — What Witness and Mercy Looks Like in Cambodia
Update — Snapshots of Mission Life in Japan
Update — Serving the Lord in Hong Kong
Fall 2020 LWQ article — Women's Witness and Mercy in Asia
God Weaves Relationships: LWML & Missionaries