Through its ministry centers, Lutheran Hour Ministries is offering programs that are a powerful force to physically and spiritually change the lives of young women to disrupt the cycle of poverty and prostitution by teaching income producing trades for economic independence and success, sharing the Gospel, and connecting them with the church. The purpose of this grant is to identify young women in prisons after they have been arrested for prostitution or small crimes and provide rehabilitation through counseling sessions and voluntary Bible studies for those young women expressing a desire to reform and connecting them with the church.
WHEREAS, the mission of Lutheran Hour Ministries, based on the clear teaching of Scripture, is Bringing Christ to the Nations—and the Nations to the Church; and
WHEREAS, Lutheran Hour Ministries' ministry centers in Kenya and Cameroon, Africa, were established to carry out Gospel outreach to the millions of people in the region in culturally appropriate ways, and connect them to faith in Jesus Christ; and
WHEREAS, Lutheran Hour Ministries has developed outreach ministry programs to rescue and rehabilitate at-risk young women from a life on the streets or in prison, and to counsel and train them in a vocation, all from a Christian perspective; and
WHEREAS, Mission Outreach to At-Risk Young Women in Africa is sharing the vital message of salvation through a powerful Christian witness of love and forgiveness and changing the lives of women and youth, as well as the infants and children who are imprisoned or impoverished and impacted with their mothers; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the delegates gathered at the 2019 Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Convention in Mobile, Alabama, vote the sum of $100,000 to help fund Mission Outreach to At-Risk Women in Africa.