2021–2023 LWML Mission Grant #9
Propelling the Gospel
LAMP Ministry, Inc. — $65,000
Watch the video about this mission grant!
About This Mission Grant
Lutheran Association of Missionary Pilots (LAMP) Ministry, Inc. has been using small aircraft to take the Gospel message to the Indigenous people in the most remote areas of northern Canada. Each year, hundreds of volunteer missionaries from the United States travel to teach vacation Bible school to thousands of children in remote northern communities. LAMP’s ministry is highly dependent on the two aircrafts that they use in order to get their missionaries to these places so they can bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who so desperately need to hear the Good News. The aircraft has evolved over the years, and upgrades must be made to ensure safety and the ability for LAMP’s missionaries and pilots to reach remote communities only accessible by air. Avionic instrument upgrades in the aircrafts are a costly investment. The Garmin GTX 345 model works best, not only with classical ground-based radar systems, but it also provides ADS-B input and output for both the American and Canadian/Aireon systems.
Mission Grant Resources
featured April 2022
Bulletin Flyer (b/w half page insert, 2 per page)
Prayer Guide & Story (combined)
Large Print Resources for Grant #9

Missionary Pilot, Andrew, delivering PPE supplies, Bibles, Sparks magazines, and quilts to remote northern communities LAMP serves.

Pastor-pilot Ouellette taking team members to do a prayer fly-over the northern community of Big Trout Lake in Ontario.
Approved Resolution at the LWML Convention
WHEREAS, LAMP Ministry Inc.'s mission is to go "... to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8b) and LAMP envisions the day when nations walk together in the light of Christ (Revelation 7:9); and
WHEREAS, there are nearly one million Indigenous people, half of whom are children living in the remotest areas of northern Canada, who have limited access to biblical education and Gospel proclamation unless LAMP sends missionaries; and
WHEREAS, LAMP requires small, well-equipped airplanes to transport staff and volunteer missionaries to teach the Scriptures and proclaim the Gospel in remote northern communities; and
WHEREAS, LAMP aircrafts currently require a significant avionic instrument upgrade to ensure safe and efficient flights for pilots and missionaries; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the delegates of the 2021 Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Convention scheduled for Lexington, Kentucky, vote the sum of $65,000 to help fund Propelling the Gospel.
More Mission Grant Photos

Delivering VBS supplies packed in many bins for the Red Sucker Lake LAMP team one summer.

Lakes everywhere with no roads in site is a common view from the plane in the North.

Pastor-pilot Dennis Ouellette with two volunteers from the Shamattawa, ON LAMP mission team.

Pastor-pilot Dennis Ouellette with his friend Gary in the northern community of Weagamow Lake, ON.

Pastors Randy Heide and Dennis Ouellette flying to visit various northern communities in 2019.