Attitude is everything … well, maybe not everything!
How do we get younger women involved in our LWML group? How do we keep the excitement going long after a convention? These are questions I am often asked. I will say that attitude goes a long way. Is your LWML get-together just another “to do” on your list of many? Or is it looked forward to with anticipation and excitement? Excitement is contagious! The Time is NOW to let it be caught!
Although excitement is important, you are not in this alone. The Lord is working in the hearts of your sisters in Christ. It is not all up to you to get everyone involved! The Time is NOW to put your trust in the Lord and pray that your sisters’ hearts are opened to what the Lord has done through the LWML. Continuously pray that the Lord’s will be done and know that your LWML leadership is praying for you!
Brandi Bucholz
Committee on Young Women