Summer 2013 My Hidden Self
From the Editor ...
During a recent night flight, clouds parted in time for me to see an "old friend." Looking north as the plane passed over Des Moines, I tapped hubby Richard's shoulder and declared, "There's Ames!"
Ames, Iowa. The site of the first LWML Convention I attended, back in 1985.
There were lots of firsts on that trip for that barely 30-year-old. Not only was it my first solo plane ride, leaving behind my husband and then-5-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, but it was also the first time I had journeyed west of Buffalo, New York. Another first: being surrounded by thousands of Lutheran women and experiencing "LWML culture."
I slipped into the rapidly filling arena for Thursday night's Opening Worship Service, climbing up a few levels onto the risers. What a vista! I had never seen 10,000 Lutherans assembled in one place, let alone worshiping together!
After the service, women fell into each other's arms, hugging tightly, while others ran to greet long-lost sisters in Christ. I wove my way through the crowd and headed directly outside, heeding the announcement to enjoy coffee on the plaza.
As I stepped out into the starlit night, I realized that I was the first guest to arrive. My eyes spotted the tables appointed with inviting cups of hot coffee (coffee always tastes so good outdoors, doesn't it?), but first there was a reception line of women in pastel gowns — the LWML Presidents! I recognized each of those faces from reading the Quarterly; one President, however, stood out to me: dressed in exotic, ethnic attire and wearing one-of-a-kind jewelry was Helen Gienapp.
Nancy Graf Peters
3 Helen, Our Beloved Sister-in-Service PDF
4 My Hidden Life - Stepping Out of the Darkness PDF
10 Reframing Life in God's Grace PDF
11 Just for Teens - Self Image PDF
12 Stepping Out of My Masks PDF
26 2013 Convention Mission Grants Ballot PDF
29 Back Cover - LWML Sunday 2013 PDF
In Every Issue
1 Btw ... "Peek-a-Boo, I See You," Says the Lord PDF
2 Editor's Note PDF
9 Young Women's Page PDF
12 Shop LWML PDF
14 Grants @ Work PDF
24 Lutheran Women in Action - Sewing Love PDF
26 Lutheran Women in Action - News PDF
27 Primary Targets 2013-2015 PDF
28 Gifts of Love PDF
29 Presidents Page PDF
Bible Studies
17 Hide. And. Seek. PDF
18 Created by the Master Designer PDF
20 Faces of the Savior PDF
20 Faces of the Savior - Leader Notes PDF
22 Caras Distintas del Salvador PDF