give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
In times like these it is especially important to take time to count the blessings that we have and to give praise and thanks to our generous God.
The month of Thanksgiving is a great reminder to be thankful.
How can we share God’s generous love and give thanks and encouragement to our LWML sisters and other special women in our lives?
If you are not meeting in person, you can nurture God’s Word in others by using LWML resources to send encouraging Mustard Seeds, the Quarterly, Bible studies, and cards. You can invite women in your congregation to help with projects and events and include them in Bible study, whether in person or electronically. You can encourage the women in your life to recognize, use, and be thankful for their God-given talents.
Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us new ways of caring and sharing with one another during this unique time. Help us to continue to share Your Word and be thankful in all circumstances. Amen.
Marilee Ryan, President
Washington-Alaska District