Have you heard about the LWML resource, “Women in Mission University”? Neither had I, until I discovered it at lwml.org. In addition to Bible studies, devotions, and planning ideas, there are suggestions on how to promote and educate women in your congregation about the many facets of the LWML, including some non-traditional ideas that might broaden your base of participation.
There’s an article, “Connecting in Our Technological World,” which reflects the importance of coming together face-to-face. Due to the coronavirus pandemic we are all missing that personal contact. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them (Matthew 18:20). So, for now using technology is a safe way to stay connected. But, just imagine how great those LWML hugs are going to be!
Remember, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Let’s use the tools the LWML has made available to us. I encourage you to spend some time visiting the website. You will be amazed by what you discover!
Darlene Keca, President
LWML English District