by grace you have been saved … it is the gift of God (Ephesians 2:8).
I just received an unexpected gift in my mailbox from a friend. What excitement and joy I felt to receive this lovely gift! It made me feel loved and cherished, and I couldn’t wait to call and thank her. I eagerly showed it to my husband and others, sharing the joy.
We just celebrated the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Now that’s a gift to tell the world about! He loved and cherished us so much that He laid down His life as a substitute for us sinners. Let’s thank Him for that lovely gift every day as it brings us joy here on this earth, and as we look forward to the ultimate gift of eternal life.
I find that our LWML website, lwml.org, and the LWML Store contain lovely items that we can give as gifts, including many devotions and Bible studies that are free downloads. Share the joy!
Serving the Lord with Gladness,
Nila Rodriguez, President
LWML Pacific Southwest District