I have three rose bushes. One had an abundance of beautiful yellow roses all summer, one had fewer but larger, more fragrant roses, and the third bloomed once. Each year I fertilize and they each respond differently. My rose bush with only one bloom was struggling.
We are grounded in Christ, our Gardener, and we thrive when fertilized. When we rely on God’s Word, He fertilizes us so that we grow. Our roses are our talents and our service, the gifts that we share with others. We can help others grow and bloom. Invite and bring a neighbor to an LWML event and Bible Study. Take a walk together, listen, and encourage. Show Christian love!
…your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing (2 Thess. 1:3b).
Marge Gruber
LWML Indiana District President