Our hearts in HIS hand — Above all, keep loving one another earnestly (1 Peter 4:8).

Our Hearts in HIS Hand

The first Sunday in October is traditionally set aside for the observation of LWML Sunday, but it may be celebrated at any time. 

“Our Hearts in His Hand” is the theme for LWML Sunday 2021 and is based on Peter’s first letter to persecuted Christians in Asia Minor. In chapter 4:8, Peter tells them, Above all, keep loving one another earnestly. The heart of the LWML is its members; our hearts have been made holy by God. We are fully dedicated to serving Him, by serving His Church at home and abroad. Our hearts for Christ are in His hand of service, wherever and when He has need of us.

2021 LWML Sunday downloadable materials, authored by Dr. Dale A. Meyer, are now available below.

All worship and devotional materials have received approval from LCMS Doctrinal Review.

LWML Sunday Materials for purchase

Please place orders before September 1, 2021 to ensure availability and timely delivery.

LWML Sunday Materials available as free downloads

Promote LWML Sunday 2021

LWML Sunday 2021 Bulletin Covers

LWML Sunday 2021 Full Worship Service with Bulletin Cover

LWML Sunday 2021 Additional Materials

For assistance with downloading resources, call the LWML Office at (800) 252-5965 or email lwml@lwml.org.


About the author

Dr. Dale A. Meyer is president emeritus and professor emeritus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. Retired since 2020, he served for 15 years as Seminary president. He was a speaker on “The Lutheran Hour” radio program and hosted the television show “On Main Street.” He has authored many books and articles, including Timely Reflections: A Minute a Day with Dale Meyer. Dr. Meyer has been speaking and preaching for over 40 years. He and his wife, Diane, live in Collinsville, Illinois. They are parents to two grown daughters and have five grandsons.



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