
The League Pledge and Songs

The League Pledge

In fervent gratitude for the Savior's dying love and His blood-bought gift of redemption we dedicate ourselves to Him with all that we are and have; and in obedience to His call for workers in the harvest fields, we pledge Him our willing service wherever and whenever He has need of us. We consecrate to our Savior our hands to work for Him, our feet to go on His errands, our voice to sing His praises, our lips to proclaim His redeeming love, our silver and our gold to extend His Kingdom, our will to do His will, and every power of our life to the great task of bringing the lost and the erring into eternal fellowship with Him. Amen.

© 1955 LWML authored by Rev. Harry Fricke
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Bulletin Insert Version
LWML Pledge — Responsive Reading
Large Print LWML Pledge — Responsive Reading
LWML League Pledge video — signed in ASL, with words on the screen

"Serve the Lord with Gladness"

“Serve the Lord with gladness!”
It is He alone
Who redeemed us sinners,
Guides us as His own
To enjoy the blessings
Of His love and grace,
Will at last in glory
Meet us face to face.
Onward, then, for Jesus!
Let this be our aim:
“Serve the Lord with gladness!”
Glorify His name.

“Serve the Lord with gladness!”
He gave us command
To proclaim His Gospel
Now in every land
So that fellow sinners
May, like us, be blest.
Leading them to Jesus,
We can serve Him best.
Onward, then, for Jesus!
Let this be our aim:
“Serve the Lord with gladness!”
Glorify His name!

“Serve the Lord with gladness!”
There’s no greater joy
Than to serve the Master,
Work in His employ.
As we build His kingdom
Angels, too, rejoice
Over every sinner
Brought to hear His voice.
Onward, then, for Jesus!
Let this be our aim:
“Serve the Lord with gladness!”
Glorify His name!

Tune: 662 LSB, 518 LW, 658 TLH
Prof. Ernest Lewerenz

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Large Print — Ready to print version of "Serve the Lord with Gladness"
PowerPoint of "Serve the Lord with Gladness"
PDF of slides for "Serve the Lord with Gladness"
PowerPoint of "Serve the Lord with Gladness" with melody
PDF of slides for "Serve the Lord with Gladness" with melody

"Lutheran Women, One and All"

Lutheran women, one and all,
We have heard the Gospel call.
We by faith have seen our Lord
Crucified and then restored.
We have seen Him pay the price,
For our sins a sacrifice.
Him we Lord and Christ acclaim
And unite to praise His name.

Lutheran women, young and old,
Well we know His challenge bold:
Help to take the Gospel light
To a world in darkest night,
By example in the home,
By inviting those who roam,
By our prayers for sinners lost,
By our gifts for missions’ cost.

Lutheran women, coast to coast,
In the Lord a mighty host,
Let us all united be
In the Holy Trinity,
One in faith, in hope, and love,
Working for the Lord above,
Till, our earthly labors done,
We in heaven shall all be one.

Tune: 892 LSB, 495 LW, 574 TLH
Elmer A. Kettner

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Large Print — Ready to print version of "Lutheran Women, One and All"
PowerPoint of "Lutheran Women, One and All"
PDF of slides for "Lutheran Women, One and All"
PowerPoint of "Lutheran Women, One and All" with melody
PDF of slides for "Lutheran Women, One and All" with melody

"In League with Our Lord"

In league with the Father; creative and caring,
We broadcast good news to all people in need.
We offer our service, our gifts and our talents,
Be with us, dear Father, as we sow the seed.

With care and compassion for all of God’s people
We’re women (servants) in mission who heed the command
To tell of Christ Jesus and make new disciples
In earth’s farthest corners, throughout ev’ry land.

In league with the Son who was born in a manger;
Who opened His arms to the world on the tree.
O, Risen One, help us to reach out and comfort
All those who are yearning from sin to be free.


In league with the Spirit, who moved o’er the waters
When time was beginning, help us now, we pray.
As we venture into the future, remind us
Of baptismal grace that we live in each day.


So let us all tell of His dying and rising;
Give honor and praise to Lord Jesus our King,
Who reigns with the Father and Spirit forever.
In league with our Lord with one voice we will sing.


Text and Music Copyright© 1999
by Jeffrey E. Burkart. Used by permission.
Copyright secured through the office of the
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League.
All rights reserved.

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Large Print — Ready to print version of "In League with Our Lord"
PowerPoint of "In League with Our Lord"
PDF of slides for "In League with Our Lord"

The musical score can be obtained through the LWML Office for the cost of the author’s honorarium. Contact

"Praise, Love, Serve"

Our God and Father, made the earth,
And when we went astray,
Our God, the Son, descended here
To take our sins away.
With His own blood He bought us.
He broke the bonds of sin.
Then God the Spirit came into
Our hearts to dwell within.

In gratitude we pledge ourselves,
To Him with all we have.
Our hands will work; our voices sing;
Our lips proclaim His love.
His errands we’ll do gladly;
His Gospel we’ll defend;
Our silver and our gold we’ll use —
His Kingdom to extend.

Wherever He has need of us,
We will His call obey.
Whenever He calls out to us,
We’ll answer right away.
His will is ours that lost souls
Will turn away from sin
And come to have eternal life
Through fellowship with Him.

Based on the LWML Pledge
Tune: LSB 361, TLH 647, LW 60
Jean Hansen Kammerer

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Large Print — Ready to print version "Praise, Love, Serve"
PowerPoint of "Praise, Love, Serve"
PDF of slides for "Praise, Love, Serve"
PowerPoint of "Praise, Love, Serve" with melody
PDF of slides for "Praise, Love, Serve" with melody

“With Joy We Come Together”

With joy we come together,
Our hearts of one accord,
Rejoicing in the blessings
Of serving You, O Lord.
The gifts that You have given
Make us a mighty throng.
With thankfulness we raise up
Our praise to You in song.

We celebrate the women,
Who’ve served You through the years,
Sustaining one another
Through vict’ry, trials, and fears.
We follow now their service,
Devoted, Christ, to You.
No matter what Your errand,
We’ll strive to follow through.

Through ministries supported,
We’ve seen Your love outpoured.
With mites that You’ve provided,
We’ve learned to trust You, Lord.
Our many hands have served You,
Yet much is left undone.
Your mission must continue
In reaching everyone.

Lord, with Your love and guidance,
We’ll serve You faithfully.
Wherever You should lead us,
We’ll follow willingly.
May we be bold in witness
So others see Your grace.
That we may one day worship
Together face to face.

Tune: LSB 527, TLH 352, LW 282
Jean Hansen Kammerer

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Large Print — Ready to print version of "With Joy We Come Together"
PowerPoint of “With Joy We Come Together”
PDF of slides for “With Joy We Come Together”
PowerPoint of “With Joy We Come Together” with melody
PDF of slides for “With Joy We Come Together” with melody


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