The innocence of children creates the most precious moments. My two-year-old granddaughter’s version of the common table prayer goes something like this: “Come Lord sheep, be our chest, let gifts, us be best. Aaaaamen.” Amusing to hear, yet, if one is not familiar with the prayer, the true intent is lost in her translation.
When called upon to share who we are and what we do as Lutheran Women in Mission, it is important that our words are not lost in translation. Do we converse with peculiar words, phrases, or acronyms vague in meaning to the listener? Can our words truly be heard and understood?
The “Who We Are” tab at lwml.org contains the LWML Mission Statement, Vision Statement, goals, and the much-loved League Pledge. Visit the page often; re-familiarize yourself with these valuable assets. Put the words to good use when the next person asks, “What is LWML anyway?” Give them plenty to think about!
Abounding in Hope,
Frances Molitor, President
LWML Texas District