
Two Minute TuesdayIn celebrating 75 years of LWML past, we now have a new look for our future! Our new logo reminds us of how the heart of God is behind all that we are and do. He showed us His love through Jesusโ€™ death and resurrection. Now we lift high the cross of Christ as it guides our thanks, praise, and service.

As I was reading some of the Leader Helps ideas on the LWML website under the service tab, I wondered, How well do we know the children in our congregations? Have you ever planned events for the entire family so young women can bring their children? This could be a service project and a simple meal, tying blankets, or visiting a nursing home.

God bless you as you Lift High the Cross of Christ in your society! To Him be the glory!

Lisa Asmus
South Dakota District President

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