Last year, virtual ads were popping up selling the usual Christmas shirts. One particular shirt caught my eye. It said “A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices.” I’ve sung the “O Holy Night” hymn where that line comes from, but never saw the phrase all by itself, let alone on a shirt.
Wow, doesn’t that perfectly fit the ending of the year 2020? People are so weary of all the many things that have happened this year. Yet, we end 2020 celebrating our thrill of hope – Jesus’ birth and His saving grace.
Along with the struggles have come new ways to adapt. The heart of LWML is serving the Lord with gladness, and God has provided us with new creative ways to meet and to serve – ways that we may never have explored had this year’s events not happened.
If you would like to see more creative ideas on meeting and serving, please check the LWML website; www.lwml.org/covid.
Peace and Joy,
Jane Morris, President
LWML Iowa West District