Have you ever taken the time to look at your hands? I recently spent a few minutes examining my hands and realized that they are not as attractive as they once were. Now they are worn and beaten, blemished by arthritic bumps, age spots, and one tricky finger that struggles to bend. But God takes these battered hands and turns them into hands of love. By his guidance and example, my hands become his earthly hands of service. My hands and your hands serve the Lord as we cuddle an infant, assist the homeless, hug a stranger, wipe away a tear, or offer prayers of supplication. Our hands become a unique and special way to glorify and honor our God.
As we serve the Lord with our hands, God holds our lives in His hands. The Bible study Celebrating Life as the Handiwork of God, featured in the 2019 summer edition of the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly, highlights the message that our lives are created, guided, redeemed, and preserved by God’s loving hands.
Jeanne Schimmelmann
LWML Ohio District President