Serving Others

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace (1 Peter 4:10).

My LWML group, like many around the country, takes a break over the summer for vacations and to spend time with family. When September comes, it is a joy to gather again to spend time in God’s Word and to work on projects to serve others.

However, there are some women in our congregations who are unable to gather together due to health issues, family considerations, or other commitments. They, too, want to “Serve the Lord with Gladness!” To include these wonderful women in the ministry of the LWML, the LWML Mailbox Member Program was created. This program provides resources for LWML groups to encourage women in our congregations to be in God’s Word and to participate in activities to serve others.

I encourage you to invite women in your congregations to take part in serving others. Find more information here: LWML Mailbox Member Program.

Michelle Jenks