Gary Thies, Marilyn Schroeder, and YWR Hannah Shull at Mission Central
Recently a special group of out-of-state visitors and I met at Mission Central in western Iowa where the NOT NORMAL (Missionary Gary’s catchphrase) folks often gather to meet and hear presentations by missionaries home on furlough. It was certainly a joy-filled day!

Krista Young and Marilyn Schroeder at Mission Central
Among the special presenters were Missionaries Krista and Joel Young, one of the ten recipients of LWML’s $100,000 grant adopted in Albuquerque for this biennium, who spoke of the mission work that God has called them to do in Kenya. The very newest called Missionary to Concordia Middle School in Taiwan, Hannah Shull, will teach in a school with 2,500 students, of whom 85% are Buddhist. Hannah was a Young Woman Rep at the Albuquerque convention in 2017. What a delight it was to hear these missionaries, and learn how LWML grants, via funding through LWML’s distinctive Mite Box and its ingathering of coins, continue to be such a blessing in the mission field.
Let’s continue to be NOT NORMAL Missionaries, because it’s a good thing!