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Saturday June 28, 2015 Convention Update

The Time is NOW … for Convention!

Saturday morning began with a procession of the past LWML Presidents: Betty Duda, Ida Mall, Gloria Edwards, Virginia Von Seggern, Linda Reiser, and Jan Wendorf; followed by the Heart to Heart Sisters, many in their native costumes. The Young Woman Representatives carried mission flags representing 38 of the 50 countries in which the LWML has supported a mission grant. 

Next were the unsung heroes in mission, nominated by their districts, men and women who have served faithfully without the benefit of recognition. The children and youth who participated in Camp Insta Friends closed the procession.

The mission grant selection was reported. Nineteen grants will be funded totaling $1,418,563.94. The past LWML presidents were presented onstage and President Kay Kreklau narrated a tribute to the 10th LWML President, Alberta Barnes, who was called to Heaven June 18, 2014. Tee Up-4-Mites raised $12,926.57; and the second convention offering totaled $37,075.29 to be presented to special grant , “Discovering Disabilities – Including ALL of God’s Children Lutheran Special Education Ministries,” Farmington Hills, Michigan.

The Time is NOW … to invite friends who can’t come to Des Moines to watch the Livestream videos of the Closing Worship.  You can download and print worship folders from the Convention page. Encourage congregations to show the video feed in their churches.

The time is NOW … to celebrate “Bountiful! Sow • Nourish • Reap.”

Convention June 27, 2015

The Time is NOW … for Convention!

Excitement is in the air! The 36th Biennial Convention of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is happening this week.

Over 4500 men and women spent Thursday at displays from the LWML, various ministries, Concordia campuses, and ministries that serve the LCMS. The convention hall was full of worshippers at the evening opening of the 36th LWML Biennial Convention. The offering of $60,478.87 will go to the newly adopted Mite Goal of $2,000,000. Rev. Mike Mattil opened the Friday session with the first session of a Bible study theme “Sow, Nourish, Reap.” Humorous Interrupter, Jan Struck introduced the audience to yet another character on her way to the LWML convention. The afternoon session opened with personal greetings from LCMS President, Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison and keynote speaker, Rev. Dr. James Lamb.
The Time is NOW … to invite friends who can’t come to Des Moines to watch the Livestream videos of the Opening Worship with Proclaimer, The Rev. Gregory Seltz, Lutheran Hour Speaker. You can download and print worship folders from the Convention page. Encourage congregations to show the video feed in their churches.

The time is almost NOW … to celebrate “Bountiful! Sow • Nourish • Reap.”

The Time is NOW ...

The Time is NOW … for Convention!

Excitement is in the air! The 36th Biennial Convention of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is happening this week.

The Time is NOW … to share registration totals: over 4,400 as of June 12, including more than 500 delegates and 1,000 first-timers.
The Time is NOW … to share a NEW option: view the Mission Grants video before convention.
The Time is NOW … to share another NEW option: read the Convention Manual before you arrive in Des Moines and get busy with convention activities.
The Time is NOW … to invite friends who can’t come to Des Moines to watch the Livestream videos of the Opening Worship with Proclaimer, The Rev. Gregory Seltz, Lutheran Hour Speaker. You can download and print worship folders from the Convention page. Encourage congregations to show the video feed in their churches.

The time is almost NOW … to celebrate “Bountiful! Sow • Nourish • Reap.”

Abba, Father

Abba, Father

Growing up, my sister and I each had our own table prayer. My prayer was “Abba, Father, bless this food for everlasting good.” It wasn’t until I was grown that I learned that the Greek word “Abba” was a term of endearment, like “Daddy.”

I am continually awed and thankful that our almighty God seeks a close, personal relationship with me … and with you. His love is shown through the promise and fulfillment of a Savior, His Son, Jesus Christ, and through Him, the promise that I am an heir with Christ. That truly makes me His little girl.

The Time is NOW to share with someone your “Daddy’s” great love for His children.

Don't Wait

Don't Wait

This is a busy time of the year. We have weddings and reunions to plan and attend, vacations to look forward to, and of course the LWML Convention, June 25-28, 2015, in Des Moines, Iowa! We are always planning and counting down the days to some event in our lives, but let’s not forget that our Lord and Savior gave us today – this very moment. The Time is NOW to make the best use of this moment to God’s glory.

We can plan for tomorrow and it’s not wrong to count down the days to a big event. But don’t wait to be in His Word and in prayer, to seek forgiveness, to share His love and mercy with everyone we meet, and to serve our Lord. We also (and always!) rejoice in the gifts of His sacraments. Celebrate this day and thank God for each moment. Don’t wait!

“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble” (Matthew 6:34).

Family Reunions

Family Reunions

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another … (Hebrews 10:23-25).

Family. Just the word can bring to mind memories of celebrations, reunions, comfort, worship, forgiveness, prayer, and encouragement.

When I think of family, I often think of LWML gatherings. Perhaps you do, too! I consider my sisters and brothers in Christ involved in the LWML part of my family – my family of faith. With our Savior Jesus as the Head of this family, each time we come together in His name helps us make new memories as we celebrate, comfort, worship, pray, forgive, and encourage one another. Any LWML gathering becomes a much-anticipated family reunion!

I look forward to our LWML family reunion in Des Moines, Iowa, in a few weeks. I hope you can be with us, too. The Time is NOW to encourage your sisters and brothers in Christ to join in the celebration, June 25-28. See you there!

Signing with the Word of God

Signing with the Word of God

Do you ever notice the signature line of email messages?  Often the sender uses this as an opportunity to share something about themselves. Most of the time the signature line for messages sent from my computer includes Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! Psalm 46:10

Knowing that God is in charge and that we can and should go to Him with our problems because He can handle them is very important.  We can feed the cat, take out the garbage, and make some decisions, but only as God allows. In the end, God’s plan for our lives includes our salvation and His victory!

I believe it is important to share this message with those I correspond with so that they too may know the comfort and security of God being in charge.


Pat Reichert

Vice President of Special Focus Ministries
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League


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