Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. (Romans 12:12).
My friend and I keep a datebook beside our recliners where we list names and key words to pray over each morning: “Roxann — new job.” “LWML — mite giving.” “Carolyn — wisdom and strength to care for ailing husband.” My friend’s journal has a "Please" side and a "Thank You" side to help her remember to ask AND give thanks.
None of us can or will write all of our prayers. We just pray. Waiting for the light to change, standing in the checkout line, watching a ball game, waiting for the oven to heat or the microwave to ding, and hundreds of other "little times" are opportunities to pray. And God knows all the rest of the words when our hearts pray only "Please!" and "Help!" and "Thank You!" My faith is strengthened and my joy is increased when I look back and see God's answers to my prayers.
Dianna Just
LWML Oklahoma District President